Posts tagged ‘Firefox’

Firefox cannot initialize the application’s security component.

I have noticed this alert showing up when I start Firefox. After experimenting,  I have found the solution.  On a Mac go into th ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles directory and cd into your profile’s directory.  Remove the cert8.db file and restart Firefox. Firefox will regenerate a new file and sites that use https will start working again.

Picture 4

Use custom Firefox profiles with selenium grid.

I started using custom Firefox profiles so that I could get around the self signed cert error in firefox.  I found a way to easily maintain one configured profile that is used across all Selenium remote control environments running on OS X and multiple windows versions.

  1. Download the selenium grid software.  I am using selenium-grid-1.0.4
  2. Create a new directory called SeleniumFireFoxProfile  in your selenium-grid-1.0.4 directory.
  3. Start your remote control using the custom profile. rake all:start SELENIUM_ARGS=”-firefoxProfileTemplate SeleniumFireFoxProfile”
  4. Create a test script to open a selenium client driver and navigate to the site that is getting the ssl cert error. Use a debugger to pause the execution of your script at the command
  5. Execute your script to the break point and accept the cert in your Firefox browser.
  6. Look for the creation of the cert_override.txt file in your user directory.   With Firefox 3.0 I found it on my mac in /private/var/folders.  I cd to the contained directory and run a find command to locate it sudo find . -name cert_override.txt. With Firefox 3.5 the profile is stored in the user directory ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles.
  7. You should see an entry in your cert_override.txt file after you accept the certificate. Now copy the cert_override.txt from your user directory to your SeleniumFireFoxProfile directory in your selenium grid directory.
  8. Restart your remote control now using the profile with the cert_override.txt file in it.  Rerun your test and break on the open command now you should see your page render instead of the security warning.

Just a warning about the cert_override.txt file.  It is very white space sensitive, it is better to copy the whole file into your custom profile directory rather then copying a new line into an existing file.

I check in the override text file along with my selenium software.  This way I can add a cert on my local machine and then run a SVN update on the distributed grid hosts to get the new cert information. This works for both windows and OS X.