Archive for the ‘Software Tools’ Category.

Use rspec partial mock to write a quick executing example.

I wanted to test an error message in my class that processes test results and sends them to Rally.  The problem was that I did not want to actually create a rally object and run the method to parse the results, just to test the error message.
This is what my class looks like.

class AutomationRun
  def send_results_to_rally
    @rally =['RALLY_WORKSPACE'])
    raise("Test Case Results Were Not Parsed Correctly") if test_case_results.empty?
    test_case_results.each do |result|
      @rally.update_test_case_result(:tc_id =>result.test_case_number_from_spec_report, :build =>result.build_number, :verdict =>result.verdict, :notes => result.note.format_note)

I want to skip these steps to test the error message:

  • don’t instantiate  we don’t need @rally for the test
  • don’t parse the results so don’t call parse_test_case_results

This is what my test code looks like:

 it "should raise an exception if there are not test case results" do
    rescue Exception=>e
    e.message.should == "Test Case Results Were Not Parsed Correctly"
  1. We use a rspec stub to intercept the new call to the RallyUtils class and return nil.  We could have also returned a mock object if we wanted to execute a call on the rally class. Now we are not creating a connection to Rally
  2. Now it is time to new up or AutomationRun class and setup our mock expectation to skip running the real push_test_case_results method.
  3. automation_run.should_receive tells us to intercept the symbol or method push_test_case_results
  4. and_return([]) will just return an empty array
  5. We setup a begin rescue block to capture the Exception object returned by our expected error message
  6. Now we call send_results_to_rally to get our error message
  7. Lastly we verify that the message attribute for our error is Test Case Results Were Not Parsed Correctly

So that is it, I created a partial mock  in that we are using a real automation run object but we stubbed out one of the methods.  We also stubbed out the new call to rally so we don’t create a connection.  Now I can focus my test on exactly the function I wanted to test, the error message.

Rubymine 2.0.2 and the gem bundler

I use bundler 0.9.6 with all of my projects. Checkout my earlier post on how to add bundled gems to your project.  I am excited about the updated bundler support in Rubymine 2.0.2 for a few reasons.

Rubymine can easily find my bundled gems in my Gemfile and attach gems to my project with suggestions. Now I can Go To Declaration for all of my attached gems.

Attech gems from the Gemfile

Attech gems from the Gemfile

I don’t have to navigate to my project through the terminal to unlock the Gemfile and add a new gem. I can use the bundler menu for all bundler functions.

Bundler 9.0 options

Bundler 9.0 options

I can get feedback from my bundler commands inside the Rubymine run window.

Unlocking through rubymine

Unlocking through rubymine