What does the SeleniumFury generator find on a page for you?
What should you expect SeleniumFury to find on a page for you? Take a look behind the curtains at the PageParser class on git hub.
You will find that I am using Nokogiri xml parser to find elements and you will see this list of html elements that I am looking for.
@nokogiri_selectors= ["select", "textarea", "form", "input", "input[type='button']", "input[type='file']", "input[type='checkbox']", "input[type='password']", "input[type='radio']", "input[type='reset']", "input[type='image']", "input[type='submit']", "input[type='text']"]
The only fields that are found are simple HTML fields.
For more complex UI elements like jquery select menus, I usually will define the class and write a unit test for the actions that can be done on the component.
You can use the page method on PageObject to define a subpage or page component like this.
class SelectMenu < PageObject #This could be a jquery select menu element :select_menu, {:id => "selectSomething"} def select index #code to select end end class SearchPage < PageObject #add the component to your main page page :select_menu, SelectMenu end #Use your page component SearchPage.new(driver).select_menu.select(2)
I have more examples of this in the SeleniumFury source. See this PageObject Unit Test(spec)