Archive for the ‘SeleniumFury’ Category.

What does the SeleniumFury generator find on a page for you?

What should you expect SeleniumFury to find on a page for you?   Take a look behind the curtains at the PageParser class on git hub.
You will find that I am using Nokogiri xml parser to find elements and you will see this list of html elements that I am looking for.

          @nokogiri_selectors= ["select",

The only fields that are found are simple HTML fields.

For more complex UI elements like jquery select menus, I usually will define the class and write a unit test for the actions that can be done on the component.
You can use the page method on PageObject to define a subpage or page component like this.

class SelectMenu < PageObject     #This could be a jquery select menu     element :select_menu, {:id => "selectSomething"}
    def select index
      #code to select
class SearchPage < PageObject
     #add the component to your main page
     page :select_menu, SelectMenu
#Use your page component

I have more examples of this in the SeleniumFury source. See this PageObject Unit Test(spec)

Selenium Fury 5.5 released

I was able to restructure the gem and remove the dependency on Rspec. I have tested successfully with Rspec 1 and 2.

Selenium Fury 5.2 with custom generators has been released.

The latest release of Selenium Fury is ready for your install.  Checkout the new cucumber features at the project home This version includes extended page element recognition, custom generators, and the git hub project includes support for bundler and rvm.

Install the new release:   gem install selenium_fury